Monday, July 10th – Friday July 14th
This summer, bring your children to SonQuest Rainforest Kids VBS camp. It will take your kids beyond what they can explore with their senses to discover a living spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ, the Son of God!
On-line Registration is available now! Click here.
Or take a few minutes to register after Sunday service!
Volunteers Needed for Kids Camp
Attend the final VBS Training immediately after church on Sunday,
July 2, 2023
in room B101
Session is 35 minutes long
Adult VBS 2023
Come out and explore this year’s cutting edge topics, as our teachers take us into subjects that will challenge us…nourish us and grow us!
Join us on M-Th, July 10-13 at 6:45 pm
Contact Elder Marcellus Martin for any further information.

Women’s Ministry Bible Study
“The Quest”
An Excursion Toward Intimacy with God
Solid Word Bible Church
Saturdays from 10-12pm, Room B101
Jul 8th
Jul 22nd
Aug 5th
Aug 19th
Aug 26th
Sep 9th
Contact Kennita “Nicki” Arnold for additional information at 317-249-7724
Mission’s Ministry

An Update from Mark and Corban Vanest
“Hi family at Fountain Square Pres and Solid Word… I wanted to send this along to the group as a way of saying thanks for getting us here. We are nearing the end of our first week as we landed here last Wednesday. The flight itself was great and there were no issues at all. Corban has been a real trooper and seems to be doing really well.
Here are some prayer requests:
1. For Corban – courage, creativity and connection. Pray that God will allow him to find some young guys (American or Egyptian) to hang out with. His birthday is Sunday and I’m hoping to find a way to have a party for him here. So hopefully, this family we are meeting tomorrow can be a part of that. Pray that he and I may have solid times of connecting with God together as well.
2. For the church/preaching – I’m preaching through Micah for the next three weeks. I realized today as I was preparing on my beautiful balcony that many of the ways we think about scripture are going to be foreign to some of the people here. I am excited to share with them how we can see the themes of our idolatry and Christ’s redemption and glory in Micah 1 and 2.
3. For me – that I would not give in to a spirit of fear (which I have felt heavy on my shoulders, especially last Saturday) but would have a spirit of power and love and self-control (2 Tim. 1:7). I am excited about the time I have to be with the Lord without a lot of distractions and for time to get healthy rhythms going with my body as well. Pray that I might establish some good habits so my days are fruitful and I am available to the Lord as he directs me. Pray also that I might have chances to share the good news outside of Friday mornings.”

Thank you, RFC, for your generous gift to our church!

Mini Marriage Retreat
Friday, October 6th, 2023, 6 pm to Saturday, October 7th, 2023, 2 pm
Please see the flyer for further information. For any questions or concerns please contact Tiffany Bussell (317)446-5068
Join Us for “Know What You Believe”
each Sunday at 9:15 AM as we will dive into why the Holy Spirit led the early church leaders to the 66 books we hold as canon or authoritative!
Contact: Elder Marcellus Martin (317-201-4492.)

Volunteers Needed
Proverbs 31:8 says,”Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.” You can help at this year’s Indiana Black Expo to educate our community about abstinence, disease and adoption options!
Table volunteers are needed at the Expo! Maybe this is your year to make a difference for time and eternity!
Contact Marcellus Martin at 317-201-4492, if you want to sign up Expo weekend.
NOTE: June 29 will be the final session until late August.
Thursday Night Bible Study at 7:00 pm
“For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.” Romans 15:4
Attend in person or click Bible Study to join virtually.
Meeting ID: 899 0198 1351
Passcode: 856367

“Pride is arrogance. Pride thinks it knows better and is better. Pride sets itself in first place. It bows to no one but itself. But, as C.S. Lewis wrote in Mere Christianity, “Pride is spiritual cancer: it eats up the very possibility of love, or contentment, or even common sense.”
Pride vs. Humility
The Bible presents pride as the opposite of humility. We see this clearly in the book of Proverbs:
“When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom” (Prov. 11:2).
“Before destruction a man’s heart is haughty, but humility comes before honor” (Prov. 18:12).
“One’s pride will bring him low, but he who is lowly in spirit will obtain honor” (Prov. 29:23).
The proud live as though they are kings of their own kingdom, whereas the humble recognize they are creatures of the King of kings. God is God and we are not. He made us and we belong to Him. We are dependent upon God for all things—life, breath, and everything else (Acts 17:25). All we have, all that we are, is because of His grace.
When God humbles the proud, it is an act of His grace.”
Read more here.
Excerpt from “How God Keeps Pride in Check” by David Campbell
Will you join us in prayer?
Each Thursday morning at 11:00 am, Elder Jerry Lander leads us in an hour of directed prayer and meditation. We would love to have you pray with us.
Click here to join: SWWeeklyPrayer by Zoom meeting. Or dial in to participate by calling +1 929 205 6099. Meeting ID: 820 7218 9430 Passcode: 116820

Do you have a specific need that you would like us to pray for, or notifications of death? You can send an email to info@
Please pray for:
- Michael Johnson
- The Lasley Family
- LaShanda and Brian Gude
- The Carter Family
- Cameron and Stephanie Johnson
- Khajae Henry
- Twannette Harrington
- George Johnson
Church Calendar
- Online Prayer Meeting – Thursdays at 11:00 am via Zoom
- Bible Study – Thursdays at 7:00 pm in person and via Zoom
- Worship Services – Sunday’s at 10:30 in-person and online
If you have an announcement for the newsletter, please send it to info@ by the end of the day Monday for inclusion in the weekly publication.

Preferred Option: Use your bank’s online bill-pay service. Use the same feature used to pay your bills online directly from your bank account. Your bank will mail a check to the church at no cost. When you use this option, the church does not pay a processing fee so that all of your gift is used to support the ministry.
Additional Options:
- Mail your check to: Solid Word Bible Church, 4374 W. 52nd Street, Indianapolis, IN 46254
- Bring your gift directly to the church on Sundays during the 10:30 am service and deposit in the designated box near the sanctuary doors.
- Give online at: SWBCGive
Giving for the week of June 11-17, 2023, was $9,116.11.